Java Reference
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Attempts to match the entire input sequence against the pat-
public boolean lookingAt()
Attempts to match the input sequence, starting at the begin-
ning, against the pattern. Like the matches method, this meth-
od always starts at the beginning of the input sequence; un-
like that method, it does not require that the entire input se-
quence be matched.
public boolean find()
Attempts to find the next subsequence of the input sequence
that matches the pattern. This method starts at the beginning
of the input sequence or, if a previous invocation of find was
successful and the matcher has not since been reset, at the
first character not matched by the previous match.
public boolean find(int start)
Resets this matcher and then attempts to find the next subse-
quence of the input sequence that matches the pattern, start-
ing at the specified index. If a match is found, subsequent in-
vocations of the find method will start at the first character
not matched by this match.
Once matching has commenced, the following methods allow the state
of the matcher to be modified:
public Matcher reset()
Resets this matcher. This discards all state and resets the ap-
pend position (see below) to zero. The returned Matcher is the
one on which the method was invoked.
public Matcher reset(CharSequence input)
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