Java Reference
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Constructs a new String by converting the bytes, from index
start up to a maximum of count bytes, into characters using
the default encoding for the default locale.
public String(byte[] bytes)
Equivalent to String(bytes, 0, bytes.length) .
public String(byte[] bytes, int start, int count, String enc) throws
Constructs a new String by converting the bytes, from index
start up to a maximum of count bytes, into characters using
the encoding named by enc .
public String(byte[] bytes, String enc) throws UnsupportedEncod-
Equivalent to String(bytes,0, bytes.length,enc) .
public byte[] getBytes()
Returns a byte array that encodes the contents of the string
using the default encoding for the default locale.
public byte[] getBytes(String enc) throws UnsupportedEncodingExcep-
Returns a byte array that encodes the contents of the string
using the encoding named by enc .
The String constructors for building from byte arrays make copies of the
data, so further modifications to the arrays will not affect the contents
of the String .
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