Java Reference
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Constructs a new String whose contents are the same as the
chars array, from index start up to a maximum of count char-
public String(char[] chars)
Equivalent to String(chars,0, chars.length) .
Both of these constructors make copies of the array, so you can change
the array contents after you have created a String from it without af-
fecting the contents of the String .
For example, the following simple algorithm squeezes out all occur-
rences of a character from a string:
public static String squeezeOut(String from, char toss) {
char[] chars = from.toCharArray();
int len = chars.length;
int put = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (chars[i] != toss)
chars[put++] = chars[i];
return new String(chars, 0, put);
The method squeezeOut first converts its input string from into a character
array using the method toCharArray . It then sets up put , which will be the
next position into which to put a character. After that it loops, copying
into the array any character that isn't a toss character. When the meth-
od is finished looping over the array, it returns a new String object that
contains the squeezed string.
You can use the two static String.copyValueOf methods instead of the
constructors if you prefer. For instance, squeezeOut could have been
ended with
return String.copyValueOf(chars, 0, put);
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