Java Reference
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actually apply the pattern and so the whole string is returned
as the zeroth element. A limit of two applies the pattern once,
breaking the string into two substrings. A limit of three gives
us three substrings. A limit of four gives us four substrings,
with the fourth being the empty string due to the original
string ending with the pattern we were splitting on. Any lim-
it greater than four will return the same results as a limit of
In all the above, if the regular expression syntax is incorrect a Pat-
ternSyntaxException is thrown.
These are all convenience methods that avoid the need to work with
Pattern and Matcher objects directly, but they require that the regular
expression be compiled each time. If you just want to know if a given
string matches a given regular expression, the matches method returns a
boolean to tell you.
Case issues are locale sensitive that is, they vary from place to place
and from culture to culture. The platform allows users to specify a loc-
ale, which includes language and character case issues. Locales are rep-
resented by Locale objects, which you'll learn about in more detail in
Chapter 24 . The methods toLowerCase and toUpperCase use the current
default locale, or you can pass a specific locale as an argument:
public String toLowerCase()
Returns a String with each character converted to its lower-
case equivalent if it has one according to the default locale.
public String toUpperCase()
Returns a String with each character converted to its upper-
case equivalent if it has one according to the default locale.
public String toLowerCase(Locale loc)
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