Java Reference
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if (startPos == -1) // no start found
return null;
else if (endPos == -1) // no end found
return from.substring(startPos);
else if (startPos > endPos) // start after end
return null;
else // both start and end found
return from.substring(startPos, endPos + 1);
The method delimitedString returns a new String object containing the
string inside from that is delimited by start and end that is, it starts
with the character start and ends with the character end . If start is
found but not end , the method returns a new String object containing
everything from the start position to the end of the string. The method
delimitedString works by using the two overloaded forms of substring .
The first form takes only an initial start position and returns a new
string containing everything in the original string from that point on. The
second form takes both a start and an end position and returns a new
string that contains all the characters in the original string from the start
to the endpoint, including the character at the start but not the one at
the end. This "up to but not including the end" behavior is the reason
that the method adds one to endPos to include the delimiter characters
in the returned string. For example, the string returned by
delimitedString("Il a dit «Bonjour!»", '«', '»');
Here are the rest of the "related string" methods:
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