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Here is the new output:
1: 1
2: 1
3: 2 *
4: 3
5: 5
6: 8 *
7: 13
8: 21
9: 34 *
To number the elements of the sequence, we used a for loop instead of
a while loop. A for loop is shorthand for a while loop, with an initializ-
ation and increment section added. The for loop in ImprovedFibonacci is
equivalent to this while loop:
int i = 2; // define and initialize loop index
while (i <= MAX_INDEX) {
// ...generate the next Fibonacci number and print it...
i++; // increment loop index
The use of the for loop introduces a new variable declaration mechan-
ism: the declaration of the loop variable in the initialization section. This
is a convenient way of defining loop variables that need exist only while
the loop is executing, but it applies only to for loopsnone of the other
control-flow statements allow variables to be declared within the state-
ment itself. The loop variable i is available only within the body of the
for statement. A loop variable declared in this manner disappears when
the loop terminates, which means you can reuse that variable name in
subsequent for statements.
The ++ operator in this code fragment may be unfamiliar if you're new to
C-derived programming languages. The ++ operator increments by one
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