Java Reference
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while (hi < MAX) {
hi = lo + hi;
lo = hi - lo;
Modifying the maximum value now requires only one change, in one part
of the program, and it is clearer what the loop condition is actually test-
You can group related constants within a class. For example, a card
game might use these constants:
class Suit {
final static int CLUBS = 1;
final static int DIAMONDS = 2;
final static int HEARTS = 3;
final static int SPADES = 4;
To refer to a static member of a class we use the name of the class
followed by dot and the name of the member. With the above declara-
tion, suits in a program would be accessed as Suit.HEARTS , Suit.SPADES ,
and so on, thus grouping all the suit names within the single name Suit .
Notice that the order of the modifiers final and static makes no dif-
ferencethough you should use a consistent order. We have already ac-
cessed static fields in all of the preceding examples, as you may have
realized out is a static field of class System .
Groups of named constants, like the suits, can often be better repres-
ented as the members of an enumeration type, or enum for short. An
enum is a special class with predefined instances for each of the named
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