Java Reference
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11.5. Under the Hood: Erasure and Raw Types
As we have stated a number of times, for each generic type there is only
one class, no matter how many different parameterized types are formed
from it. This raises the question: What exactly is that type? Given a class
like Cell<E> , what type do Cell<String> and Cell<Number> share?
To determine the answer the compiler uses a process called erasure (be-
cause the compiler essentially erases all generic type information from
the compiled class). The erasure of a generic or parameterized type is
simply the unadorned type name. This is also known as the raw type (see
" Raw Types, "Unchecked" Warnings, and Bridge Methods " on page 745 ) .
For example, the erasure of Cell<E> is just Cell . The erasure of a type
variable is the erasure of its first bound. For example, the erasure of E in
<E> is Object the implicit upper bound. The erasure of E in <Eextends Number>
is the explicit upper bound of Number , as it is in <Eextends Number& Clone-
able> , because Number is the first bound. The compiler generates a class
definition for the erasure of a generic type by effectively replacing each
type variable with its erasure. When a parameterized type is used and
the type information from the erasure of the generic type doesn't match
what is expected, the compiler inserts a cast. For example, if you invoke
remove on an object created as a SingleLinkQueue<String> and assign it to
a String reference, the compiler will insert a cast to String because the
erasure of the type variable in SingleLinkQueue<E> is just Object .
You need to understand the erasure process because it impacts your pro-
grams in two key areas:
The runtime actions that can involve generic types
Method overloading and overriding
We start with the runtime issues.
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