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However, as it stands this basic rule imposes a rather annoying restric-
tion. A wildcard represents any type. Similarly, the type variable of a
generic method represents any type. But under the basic rule a wild-
card type can only be used where a wildcard type is expected. This pre-
cludes passing wildcard types to generic methods that have a parameter
defined by a type variable. Consider the synchronizedList utility meth-
od from the Collections classpart of the java.util package discussed in
more detail in Chapter 21 . Its job is to take an arbitrary list object and
return a new list object that is backed by the original, but one for which
all the methods are synchronized to make access to the list thread-safe
(see Chapter 14 ). The method is declared as follows:
static <T> List<T> synchronizedList(List<T> list) { ... }
There is no logical reason why we should not be able to pass it a list
referenced through a wildcard type:
static void processList(List<?> list) {
List<?> slist = Collections.synchronizedList(list);
// ... process the list
To do so is quite safeand quite convenient!
Although in general you cannot use a List<?> where a List<T> is expected
because the actual type represented by the wildcard is not known to be
compatible with T , a special rule bridges the gap that would otherwise
exist between wildcard types and the type variables of generic meth-
ods. This rule allows (under the right circumstances) the capture of the
wildcard to be represented as some unknown generic type X and then
to infer in the call that T is X . You don't actually need to know what X
iswhatever it is, the resulting use of the list is guaranteed to be type-
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