Java Reference
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The static argument type of Object requires that T , as the return type of
the method, be Object (or a supertype if Object had one) and the String
type of s1 requires that T be assignable to String . But there is no such
typeyou cannot assign an Object to a String reference. Of course, you
can inform the compiler that you know the returned object actually is a
String by inserting an additional cast:
s1 = (String) passThrough((Object) s1);
The actual type inference process and the rules controlling it are ex-
tremely complex, but for the most part you don't need to care what
the actual inferred type is as long as the code compiles. For example,
if a generic method took two parameters of type T and you invoked it
passing a List<String> and a List<Number> , then the inferred type could
be List<?> . Inference is also used as part of determining which method
to invoke, as you will see shortly.
The inference process may result in simple types like Object or String ,
or more complex types for which no single class or interface declaration
existssuch as a type that is both Runnable and Cloneable . These complex
types are generally known as intersection types. For each constraint on
a type variable there will be a set of types that meet that constraint. The
intersection of those sets contains the inferred type.
Finally, note that if you do wish to make a parameterized method in-
vocation, you cannot parameterize an invocation that uses just a simple
method name:
String s1 = "Hello";
String s2 = <String>passThrough(s1); // INVALID: won't
Instead you must qualify the method name appropriately, such as by
using this or super for instance methods, or the class name for static
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