Java Reference
In-Depth Information
10.7. break
A break statement can be used to exit from any block, not just from a
switch . There are two forms of break statement. The unlabeled break:
and the labeled break:
break label ;
An unlabeled break terminates the innermost switch , for , while , or do
statementand so can appear only within one of those statements. A
labeled break can terminate any labeled statement.
A break is most often used to break out of a loop. In this example, we
are looking for the first empty slot in an array of references to Contained
class Container {
private Contained[] objs;
// ...
public void addIn(Contained obj)
throws NoEmptySlotException
int i;
for (i = 0; i < objs.length; i++)
if (objs[i] == null)
if (i >= objs.length)
throw new NoEmptySlotException();
objs[i] = obj; // put it inside me
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