Java Reference
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Exercise 10.5 : Write a method that takes two char parameters and
prints the characters between those two values, including the endpoints.
10.5.2. Enhanced for Statement
The enhanced for statement, often referred to as the for-each loop,
provides an alternative, more compact form for iterating through a set
of values. It looks like this:
for ( Type loop-variable : set-expression )
The set-expression must evaluate to an object that defines the set of
values that you want to iterate through, and the loop-variable is a local
variable of a suitable type for the set's contents. Each time through the
loop, loop-variable takes on the next value from the set, and statement is
executed (presumably using the loop-variable for something). This con-
tinues until no more values remain in the set.
The set-expression must either evaluate to an array instance, or an ob-
ject that implements the interface java.lang.Iterable which is the case
for all of the collection classes you'll see in Chapter 21 . Here's an ex-
ample using an array, where we rewrite the average method we showed
on page 19 :
static double average(int[] values) {
if (values == null || values.length == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
double sum = 0.0;
for (int val : values)
sum += val;
return sum / values.length;
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