Java Reference
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Here the next value is read from a stream and stored in the variable v .
Provided the value read was not null , it is processed and the next value
read. Note that as assignment has a lower precedence than the inequal-
ity test (see " Operator Precedence and Associativity " on page 221 ) , you
have to place the assignment expression within parentheses.
The simple = is the most basic form of assignment operator. There are
many other assignment forms. Any binary arithmetic, logical, or bit ma-
nipulation operator can be concatenated with = to form another assign-
ment operatora compound assignment operator. For example,
arr[where()] += 12;
is the same as
arr[where()] = arr[where()] + 12;
except that the expression on the left-hand side of the assignment is
evaluated only once. In the example, arr[where()] is evaluated only once
in the first expression, but twice in the second expressionas you learned
earlier with the ++ operator.
Given the variable var of type T , the value expr , and the binary operator
op , the expression
var op = expr
is equivalent to
var = (T) ((var) op (expr))
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