Java Reference
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either bit is 1, and the XOR of two bits yields a 1 only if the two bits have
different values. For example:
0xf00f & 0x0ff0 yields 0x0000
0xf00f | 0x0ff0 yields 0xffff
0xaaaa ^ 0xffff yields 0x5555
There is also a unary bitwise complement operator ~ , which toggles each
bit in its operand. An int with value 0x00003333 has a complemented
value of 0xffffcccc .
Although the same characters are used for the bitwise operators and the
logical operators, they are quite distinct. The types of the operands de-
termine whether, for example, & is a logical or a bitwise AND . Since logic-
al operators only apply to booleans and bitwise operators only apply to
integer types, any expression involving operands of the different types,
such as TRue& 0xaaaa , is a compile-time error.
There are other bit manipulation operators to shift bits within an integer
<< Shift bits left, filling with zero bits on the right-hand side
Shift bits right, filling with the highest (sign) bit on the left-hand
>>> Shift bits right, filling with zero bits on the left-hand side
The left-hand side of a shift expression is what is shifted, and the right-
hand side is how much to shift. For example, var>>> 2 will shift the bits
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