Java Reference
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public static type reverse( type val)
Returns the value obtained by reversing the order of the bits
in val .
public static type rotateLeft( type val, int distance)
Returns the value obtained by rotating the bits in val to the
left. In a left rotation the high-order bit moved out on the left
becomes the lowest-order bit on the right. Rotating to the left
by a negative distance is the same as rotating to the right by
a positive distance.
public static type rotateRight( type val, int distance)
Returns the value obtained by rotating the bits in val to the
right. In a right rotation the low-order bit moved out on the
right becomes the highest-order bit on the left. Rotating to
the right by a negative distance is the same as rotating to the
left by a positive distance.
Finally, the Integer and Long classes also define the mathematical signum
function. This function takes a value and returns 1, 0, or +1 as the value
is negative, zero, or positive, respectively.
8.4.2. The Floating-Point Wrapper Classes
The Float and Double classes extend Number to represent the float and
double types as classes. With only a few exceptions, the names of the
methods and constants are the same for both types. In the following
list, the types for the Float class are shown, but Float and float can be
changed to Double and double , respectively, to get equivalent fields and
methods for the Double class. In addition to the standard Number meth-
ods, Float and Double have the following constants and methods:
public final static float POSITIVE_INFINITY
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