Java Reference
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8.4. Number
The Number class is an abstract class extended by all wrapper classes that
represent primitive numeric types: Byte , Short , Integer , Long , Float , and
Double .
The abstract methods of Number return the value of the object converted
to any of the numeric types:
public byte byteValue()
public short shortValue()
public int intValue()
public long longValue()
public float floatValue()
public double doubleValue()
Each extended Number class overrides these methods to convert its own
type to any of the others under the same rules used for an explicit cast.
For example, given a Float object with the value 32.87 , the return value
of intValue on the object would be 32 , just as " (int)32.87 " would be 32 .
8.4.1. The Integer Wrappers
The classes Byte , Short , Integer , and Long extend Number to represent the
corresponding integer types as classes. In addition to the standard Num-
ber methods, each of the integer wrapper classes supports the following
public static type parse Type (String str, int radix)
Converts the string str into a numeric value of the specified
type , using the given radix. For example, In-
teger.parseInt("1010",2) returns 10, and In-
teger.parseInt("-1010",2) returns 10. The characters in the
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