Java Reference
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A constructor that converts a single String parameter into the ob-
ject's initial value (except Character , which has no such construct-
or)for example, newFloat("6.02e23") .
Each wrapper class, Type , also has the following methods:
public static Type valueOf( type t)
Returns an object of the specified Type with the value t .
public static Type valueOf(String str)
Returns an object of the specified Type with the value parsed
from str . Float.valueOf("6.02e23") and Integer.valueOf("16")
are examples. Character does not have this method just as it
does not have the string-converting constructor.
These methods may return a newly constructed instance or a cached
instance. For efficiency, you should always use one of the valueOf meth-
ods, in preference to direct construction, unless you really need distinct
instances that have the same value.
8.1.2. Constants
Each of the wrapper classes, with the exception of Boolean define the fol-
lowing three fields:
public static final type MIN_VALUE
The minimum value representable by this data type. For ex-
ample, for Integer this is 2 31 .
public static final type MAX_VALUE
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