Java Reference
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The language does not prevent you from deeply nesting classes, but
good taste should. A doubly nested class such as Z has three name
scopes: itself, its immediate enclosing class Y , and outermost class X .
Someone reading the code for Z must understand each class thoroughly
to know in which context an identifier is bound and which enclosing ob-
ject was bound to which nested object. We recommend nesting only one
level under most circumstances. Nesting more than two levels invites a
readability disaster and should probably never be attempted.
5.2.2. Extending Inner Classes
An inner class can be extended just as any static nested class or top-
level class can. The only requirement is that objects of the extended
class must still be associated with objects of the original enclosing class
or a subclass. Usually this is not a problem because the extended inner
class is often declared within an extension of the outer class:
class Outer {
class Inner { }
class ExtendedOuter extends Outer {
class ExtendedInner extends Inner { }
Inner ref = new ExtendedInner();
The ref field is initialized when an ExtendedOuter object is created. The
creation of the ExtendedInner instance uses the default no-arg construct-
or of ExtendedInner , which in turn implicitly invokes the default no-arg
constructor of Inner by using super . The constructor for Inner requires an
object of Outer to bind to, which in this case is implicitly the current ob-
ject of ExtendedOuter .
If the enclosing class of the inner subclass is not a subclass of Outer , or
if the inner subclass is not itself an inner class, then an explicit referen-
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