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public class TestSort {
static double[] testData = {
0.3, 1.3e-2, 7.9, 3.17
public static void main(String[] args) {
SortDouble bsort = new SimpleSortDouble();
SortMetrics metrics = bsort.sort(testData);
System.out.println("Metrics: " + metrics);
for (int i = 0; i < testData.length; i++)
System.out.println("\t" + testData[i]);
The main method shows how code that drives a test works: It creates
an object of a class extended from SortDouble , provides it with the data
to be sorted, and invokes sort . The sort method stores the data, initial-
izes the metrics, and then invokes the abstract method doSort . Each ex-
tended class implements doSort to do its sorting, invoking getdataLength ,
compare , and swap when it needs to. When doSort returns, the counts re-
flect the number of each operation performed. To test a different al-
gorithm, you can simply change the class name after the new . Here is
what one run of TestSort looks like:
Metrics: 0 probes 6 compares 2 swaps
Now with these classes as examples, let us return to the issue of design-
ing a class to be extended. We carefully designed the protected interface
of SortDouble to allow extended classes more intimate access to the data
in the object but only to things we want them to manipulate. The access
for each part of the class design has been carefully chosen:
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