Java Reference
In-Depth Information
3.9. Cloning Objects
The Object.clone method helps you write clone methods for your own
classes. A clone method returns a new object whose initial state is a copy
of the current state of the object on which clone was invoked. Subse-
quent changes to the new clone object should not affect the state of the
original object.
3.9.1. Strategies for Cloning
There are three important factors in writing a clone method:
The empty Cloneable interface, which you must implement to
provide a clone method that can be used to clone an object. [3]
[3] Cloneable should have been spelled Clonable , but the misspelling was realized too late to
be fixed.
The clone method implemented by the Object class, which per-
forms a simple clone by copying all fields of the original object to
the new object. This method works for many classes but may need
to be supplemented by an overriding method.
The CloneNotSupportedException , which can be used to signal that a
class's clone method shouldn't have been invoked.
A given class can have one of four different attitudes toward clone :
Support clone . Such a class implements Cloneable and declares its
clone method to throw no exceptions.
Conditionally support clone . Such a class might be a collection
class that can be cloned in principle but cannot successfully be
cloned unless its contents can be cloned. This kind of class will im-
plement Cloneable , but will let its clone method pass through any
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