Java Reference
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3.8. The Object Class
The Object class is the root of the class hierarchy. Every class directly or
indirectly extends Object and so a variable of type Object can refer to any
object, whether a class instance or an array. For example, the Attr class
can hold an attribute of any type, so its value field was declared to be
of type Object . Such a class cannot hold primitive types directly, but can
hold references to the associated wrapper classsee Chapter 8 .
The Object class defines a number of methods that are inherited by all ob-
jects. These methods fall into two categories: general utility methods and
methods that support threads. Thread support is covered in Chapter 14 .
This section describes the utility methods and how they affect classes.
The utility methods are:
public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares the receiving object and the object referenced by
obj for equality, returning true if they have the same value and
false if they don't. If you want to determine whether two ref-
erences refer to the same object, you can compare them using
== and != . The equals method is concerned with value equality.
The default implementation of equals in Object assumes that an
object is equal only to itself, by testing if this == obj .
public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code for this object. Each object has a hash
code for use in hashtables. The default implementation returns
a value that is usually different for different objects. It is used
when storing objects in hashed collections, as described in
Chapter 21 .
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
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