Java Reference
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2.6. Methods
A class's methods typically contain the code that understands and manip-
ulates an object's state. Some classes have public or protected fields for
programmers to manipulate directly, but in most cases this isn't a very
good idea (see " Designing a Class to Be Extended " on page 108 ) . Many
objects have tasks that cannot be represented as a simple value to be
read or modified but that require computation.
We have already seen a number of examples of methods in Chapter 1 all
of our demonstration programs had a main method that was executed by
the Java virtual machine. Here is another main method that creates a Body
object and prints out the values of its fields.
class BodyPrint {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Body sun = new Body("Sol", null);
Body earth = new Body("Earth", sun);
System.out.println("Body " + +
" orbits " + +
" and has ID " + earth.idNum);
A method declaration consists of two parts: the method header and the
method body. The method header consists of an optional set of modi-
fiers, an optional set of type parameters, the method return type, the
signature, and an optional tHRows clause listing the exceptions thrown by
the method. The method signature consists of the method name and the
(possibly empty) parameter type list enclosed in parentheses. All meth-
ods must have a return type and signature. Type parameters are used to
declare generic methods and are discussed in Chapter 11 . Exceptions and
throws clauses are discussed in detail in Chapter 12 . The method body
consists of statements enclosed between curly braces.
The method modifiers consist of the following:
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