Java Reference
In-Depth Information
java.rmi Remote Method Invocation, with which you can invoke
methods on objects running in other virtual machines, typically
across a network.
java.sql The JDBC package for using relational databases.
java.util.jar Classes for reading and writing JAR (Java ARchive)
files. These archive files can be used to distribute packages of re-
lated classes and resources, as covered in " Package Objects and
Specifications " on page 477 .
java.util.logging A framework for logging from within your code.
java.util.prefs Provides a mechanism for managing user and sys-
tem preferences, as well as application configuration. Classes for reading and writing ZIP files.
Further packages exist outside the java package of the platform, in what
are known as the standard extensions, for example:
javax.accessibility A framework for developing GUI s that are
more accessible to people with disabilities.
javax.naming Classes and subpackages for working with directory
and naming services.
javax.sound Has
javax.swing The Swing package of GUI components.
And there are packages that provide interaction between the platform
and other environments:
org.omg.CORBA Classes for the Common Object Request Broker Ar-
chitecture ( CORBA ), object request brokers ( ORB 's).
org.omg.CosNaming The Common Object Service's naming classes.
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