Java Reference
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CollationKeySorting(Collator collator) {
this.collator = collator;
sortedStrings = new TreeMap<CollationKey, String>();
void add(String str) {
collator.getCollationKey(str), str);
Iterator<String> strings() {
return sortedStrings.values().iterator();
24.6.2. Formatting and Parsing
The abstract Format class provides methods to format and parse objects
according to a locale. Format declares a format method that takes an ob-
ject and returns a formatted String , tHRowing IllegalArgumentException
if the object is not of a type known to the formatting object. Format also
declares a parseObject method that takes a String and returns an ob-
ject initialized from the parsed data, throwing ParseException if the string
is not understood. Each of these methods is implemented as appropri-
ate for the particular kind of formatting. The package java.text provides
three Format subclasses:
DateFormat was discussed in the previous section.
MessageFormat helps you localize output when printing messages
that contain values from your program. Because word order var-
ies among languages, you cannot simply use a localized string
concatenated with your program's values. For example, the Eng-
lish phrase "a fantastic menu" would in French have the word or-
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