Java Reference
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A protection domain (represented by ) en-
compasses a code source (represented by ) and
the permissions granted to code from that code source, as determined
by the security policy currently in effect. A code source extends the no-
tion of a code base (the location classes were loaded from) to include
information about the digital certificates associated with those classes.
Digital certificates can be used to verify the authenticity of a file and
ensure that the file has not been tampered with in any way. Classes
with the same certificates and from the same location are placed in the
same domain, and a class belongs to one and only one protection do-
main. Classes that have the same permissions but are from different
code sources belong to different domains.
Each applet or application runs in its appropriate domain, determined by
its code source. For an applet (or an application running under a secur-
ity manager) to be allowed to perform a secured action, the applet or
application must be granted permission for that particular action. More
specifically, whenever a secure action is attempted, all code traversed
by the execution thread up to that point must have permission for that
action unless some code on the thread has been marked as privileged.
For example, suppose that access control checking occurs in a thread
of execution that has a chain of multiple callersthink of this as multiple
method calls that potentially cross the protection domain boundaries.
When the AccessControllercheckPermission method is invoked by the most
recent caller, the basic algorithm for deciding whether to allow or deny
the requested action is as follows:
If the code for any caller in the call chain does not have the re-
quested permission, an AccessControlException is thrown, unless a
caller whose code is granted the said permission has been marked
as privileged and all parties subsequently called by this caller (dir-
ectly or indirectly) have the said permission.
Marking code as privileged enables a piece of trusted code to temporar-
ily enable access to more actions than are directly available to the code
that called it. This is necessary in some situations. For example, an ap-
plication may not be allowed direct access to files that contain fonts,
but the system utility to display a document must obtain those fonts on
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