Java Reference
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for system properties (see page 663 ) . An asterisk may appear at the
end of the name, following a "." or by itself, to signify a wildcard match.
For example: "java.*" or "*" are valid; "*java" or "x*y" are not valid.
FilePermission and SocketPermission are subclasses of Permission . These
classes can have a more complicated name syntax than that used for
basic permissions. For example, for a FilePermission object, the permis-
sion name is the pathname of a file (or directory) and can cover multiple
files by using "*" to mean all files in the specified directory and using
"-" to mean all files in the specified directory as well as all files in all
All permissions can also have an action list associated with them that
defines the different actions permitted by that object. For example, the
action list for a FilePermission object can contain any combination of
"read" , "write" , "execute" , or "delete" , specifying actions that can be per-
formed on the named file (or directory). Many basic permissions do not
use the action list, but some, such as PropertyPermission do. The name
of a PropertyPermission is the name of the property it represents and the
actions can be "read" or "write" , which let you invoke System.getProperty
and System.setProperty , respectively, with that property name. For ex-
ample, a PropertyPermission with the name "java.*" and action "read" al-
lows you to retrieve the values of all system properties that start with
"java." .
23.5.3. Security Policies
The security policy for a given execution of the runtime system is rep-
resented by a object or, more specifically, by a con-
crete subclass of the abstract Policy class. The Policy object maintains
the sets of permissions that have been assigned to the different protec-
tion domains, according to their code source. How the security policy is
communicated to the Policy object is a function of the actual implement-
ation of that policy. The default implementation is to use policy files to
list the different permissions that are granted to each code source.
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