Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Initial Value
byte, short, int, long
float, double
object reference
2.2.2. Static Fields
Sometimes you want only one instance of a field shared by all objects
of a class. You create such fields by declaring them static , so they are
called static fields or class variables. When you declare a static field in
a class only one copy of the field exists, no matter how many instances
of the class are created.
In our case, Body has one static field, nextID , which contains the next
body identifier to use. The nextID field is initialized to zero when the class
is initialized after it is loaded (see " Loading Classes " on page 435 ). You
will see that each newly created Body object will be assigned the current
value of nextID as its identifier, and the value of nextID will be incremen-
ted. Hence, we only want one copy of the nextID field, to be used when
creating all Body instances.
Within its own class a static field can be referred to directly, but when
accessed externally it must usually be accessed using the class name.
For example, we could print the value of nextID as follows:
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