Information Technology Reference
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After you complete the Schedule Storage DRS Task Wizard, a new set of entries appears in
the scheduling list for SDRS, as illustrated in Figure 12.38. Typically, as with this example, you
will want to schedule two tasks, one for changing the setting and another for setting it back.
Figure 12.38
SDRS scheduling
entries allow you
to automatically
change the settings
for SDRS on certain
days and at certain
The ability to coni gure SDRS differently at different times or on different days is a powerful
feature that will let vSphere administrators customize SDRS behaviors to best suit their envi-
ronments. SDRS rules are another tool that provide administrators with more control over how
SDRS handles VMs and virtual disks, as you'll see in the next section.
Creating Storage DRS Rules
Just as vSphere DRS has afi nity and anti-afi nity rules, SDRS offers vSphere administrators the
ability to create VMDK afi nity and anti-afi nity rules and VM anti-afi nity rules. These rules
modify the behavior of SDRS to ensure that specii c VMDKs are always kept together (VMDK
afi nity rule) or separate (VMDK anti-afi nity rule) or that all the virtual disks from certain VMs
are kept separate (VM anti-afi nity rule).
Perform these steps to create an SDRS VMDK afi nity or anti-afi nity or SDRS VM anti-
afi nity rule:
1. In the Web Client, navigate to the Hosts And Clusters inventory view.
2. Right-click a VM and select Edit Settings.
3. Select SRDS Rules.
4. Click Add to add a rule.
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