Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5.55
h e Topology view
for a distributed
switch provides
easy access to view
and edit distributed
port groups.
For now, let's focus on modifying VLAN settings, trafi c shaping, and NIC teaming for the
distributed port group. Policy settings for security and monitoring follow later in this chapter.
Different Options Are Available Depending on the vSphere
Distributed Switch Version
Recall that you can create diff erent versions of distributed switches in the vSphere Web Client.
Certain confi guration options are available only with a version 5.1.0 or version 5.5.0 vSphere
Distributed Switch.
Perform the following steps to modify the VLAN settings for a distributed port group:
1. Connect to a vCenter Server instance using the vSphere Web Client.
2. Navigate to the Topology view for the distributed switch containing the distributed port
group you want to edit.
3. Select a distributed port group by clicking its name, which acts like a hyperlink in the
vSphere Web Client, and then click the Edit Distributed Port Group Settings icon in the
row of icons just above the switch topology.
4. In the Edit Settings dialog box, select the VLAN option from the list of options on the left.
5. Modify the VLAN settings by changing the VLAN ID or by changing the VLAN Type
setting to VLAN Trunking or Private VLAN.
Refer to Figure 5.52 for the different VLAN coni guration options.
6. Click OK when you have i nished making changes.
Perform the following steps to modify the trafi c-shaping policy for a distributed port group:
1. Using a supported web browser, connect to a vCenter Server instance to launch the
vSphere Web Client.
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