Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
The vCenter Server virtual appliance has reconi gured its network settings and returned you
to the management console. From this point forward, all the coni guration is handled via a web
browser. As you can see in Figure 3.14, once networking has been established there are three
major tasks to getting the virtual appliance up and running:
Accept the end-user license agreement (EULA).
Coni gure the database.
Start the vCenter Server services.
We'll take a look at each of these steps in the next few sections.
Accepting the End-User License Agreement
To accept the EULA, open a web browser and navigate to port 5480 on the IP address of the
vCenter Server virtual appliance, using a URL such as, where should be replaced with the IP address assigned to the virtual appliance. You
might be prompted with a warning about an invalid certii cate; accept the certii cate and con-
tinue on to the site. You'll eventually reach the login screen for the virtual appliance, as shown
in Figure 3.15.
Figure 3.15
You must fi rst log
into the vCenter
Server virtual appli-
ance before you can
change any confi gu-
ration settings.
The default username and password for the vCenter Server virtual appliance distributed by
VMware are root and vmware.
Immediately upon login, you will be presented with a copy of the VMware EULA for
the vCenter Server virtual appliance. Review the EULA, and then mark the Accept License
Agreement check box and click Next.
VCSA Background Startup
When you fi rst start up the vCenter Server virtual appliance, you won't be able to do anything prior
to accepting the EULA. h at's because the services that run through the rest of the confi guration
process have not started yet. If you view the console of the virtual appliance while clicking accept,
you will notice a number of additional services starting in the background.
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