Information Technology Reference
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vCenter Server. If you are using SQL authentication, you'll need to know the SQL login and
password. We'll assume that you will use integrated Windows authentication.
Installing Single Sign-On
Earlier in this chapter we explained that vCenter Single Sign-On (SSO) is a prerequisite for
vCenter. Not only must it be installed for vCenter to run, it must be running before the vCen-
ter Inventory Service and vCenter Server itself are installed. Use the following steps to install
Single Sign-On:
1. From the VMware vCenter Installer, select vCenter Single Sign-On and then click the
Install button.
2. After the vCenter Single Sign-On installer has launched, click Next.
3. Select the tick box to accept the end-user license agreement and click Next.
4. Ensure that the prerequisites check is correct and click Next.
5. On the following screen you will be asked to select the deployment mode. The High
Availability and Multisite options were explained in the section “Centralizing User
Authentication Using vCenter Single Sign-On.” For this installation we'll just choose the
Primary Node type and click Next.
6. Choose a password for the SSO administrator— the “master SSO password.” This
account is not linked to any other directory, and is effectively the “root” or “administra-
tor” for this SSO installation.
The Master SSO Password
When installing SSO for the fi rst time, be sure to remember the account password for the SSO
Administrator. h e username is always administrator@vsphere.local. h is account is needed
when installing other VMware components that leverage Single Sign-On.
7. On the following screen, you can name the “site” of this installation. Choose an appropri-
ate name, or use the default and click Next.
8. The vCenter Single Sign-On installer will now ask you to accept or change the default
HTTPS port that SSO will use and then Click Next.
Unless there is a conl ict in your environment, we would recommend not changing the
default port numbers. It can make coni guration and troubleshooting more difi cult later on.
9. Change the directory for installation if desired and click Next.
10. Finally, review the installation options summary and click Install.
11. Once the installation is complete, click Finish to close the installer.
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