Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
just exist in their own right, they have to belong somewhere; characters exist in an
environment which enables them and which they in turn enrich.
Let's go through the signifi ers found in Pac-Man but this time draw up the signs
in terms of associations between signifi ers and their connotations (Table 10.3).
We observed in Chapter 3 that Pac-Man was lacking in terms of the spatial and
encyclopedic characteristics that underpin interactive aesthetics. In this chapter we
already observed that the consequence of this is that Pac-Man very quickly becomes
a game of accumulating points and protecting “lives” while the environmental
context of Pac-Man fi ghting the forces of evil soon becomes lost. However, in
terms of levels of meaning, of levels of connotation beyond the level of denotation,
Table 10.3
Signifi ers and Their Connotations in Pac-Man
Signifi er
Signifi ed
Pac - Man (inside
game area)
Consumption, we are what we eat. Pac-Man is a creature who
consists only of a mouth, this coupled with his very basic
behavior enables us to connote him as a “character”
Chomping noise
Reinforces the notion of rampant consumption. Pac-Man' s
sole concern is eating. He has no manners or discretion
Beeping noise
Connotes activity, Pac-Man responds to our wishes by
moving and eating when he can. Reinforces the visual
signifi er of movement
A reference to arithmetic (counting) as a system of meaning
Pac - Man (below
game area)
Connotes rebirth, the transcendence of our usual, mortal
human state, a welcome unrealism
Small yellow dot
Could be seen as representing ordinary everyday food. Why
is Pac-Man's food the same color and more or less the same
shape as he is?
Large yellow dot
Connotes special foods with special properties, a power-up,
analogous to Popeye's spinach maybe?
Ghosts (brightly
Fear, the unnatural. Reference to superstition and folk legends
about the supernatural. The active eyes help to connote the
presence of purposeful life forms
Ghosts (pale blue,
blank expression)
Stunned or mesmerized. Their staring eyes and twisted
mouths are somehow reminiscent of stupor or mental
defi ciency, the look of zombies with unblinking eyes
Ghosts (fl ashing)
Flashing lights have all sorts of connotations with
emergencies and emergency services, alien space craft, etc.
Pair of eyes
Lost souls returning to their place of origin
Blue lines
The color blue for the “ walls ” reinforces other connotations
of night and the supernatural, as does the black background
to the whole game
Exit left and right
Connotations of teleporting and the supernatural
Special, luxury foods; treats. The bright primary colors of the
fruit seem to reinforce the notion that they are special
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