Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 10.2
Game - Based Signs for Pac - Man
Signifi er
Signifi ed
Pac - Man (inside game area)
Playable character
Chomping noise
Pac - Man accumulating points
Beeping noise
Pac - Man moving but gaining no points
Total points accumulated by the player so far
Pac - Man (below game area)
Extra Pac - Man lives for the player
Small yellow dot
10 points when Pac - Man eats it
Large yellow dot
100 points when Pac-Man eats it, also a power-
up, he can now “ kill ” ghosts
Ghosts (brightly colored)
Enemies that can kill Pac - Man, nonplayable
Ghosts (pale blue, blank expression)
Enemies that can be eaten/killed; 200 points
Ghosts (fl ashing)
Enemies changing back to killers
Pair of eyes
No threat or points
Blue lines
Restricts where Pac - Man can go
Exit left and right
Escape route
200 points, 300 points, etc. when eaten
Points gained by Pac - Man for eating something
this dual signifying system quite so clearly on display. We will return to this after
we have added a little more structure to signs in the next section.
Earlier in this chapter—when we were thinking about trees—we noted that different
signifi ers could denote the same signifi ed. A clip art tree, the word “tree,” and a
photograph of a tree could all denote the same signifi ed, “ treeness. ” We can take
this observation further and identify different modes of signs according to the rela-
tionship between their signifi ers and signifi eds:
• Icons: In which the signifi er represents the signifi ed mainly by its similarity
to it:
• Film is highly iconic
• Road signs are highly iconic
• Photographs, particularly holiday snapshots and the like, are highly iconic.
• Indexes: In which the signifi er has some causal relationship to the signifi ed:
• A footprint in the sand denotes the presence of another person
• Hollywood fi lms, particularly in the 1930s and 1940s, used indexes exten-
sively: falling calendar pages to denote the passage of time, quickly turning
steam train wheels representing travel and distance, or marching feet rep-
resenting an army.
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