Environmental Engineering Reference
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(Na + + K + ) in pre- and post-monsoon seasons indicating that silicate weathering is
the dominant process for cations (Fig. 3b ).
Most of the samples of pre-monsoon and post-monsoon falling above the equi-
line due to excess SO 4 2− +HCO 3 over Ca 2+ + Mg 2+ indicate ion exchange process
dominance.Therefore,theexcesspositivechargeofSO 4 2− andHCO 3 must be bal-
anced by alkalies (Na + + K + ).TheplotofCa 2+ + Mg 2+ versusSO 4 2− +HCO 3 will be
close to the 1:1 line if the dissolution of calcite, dolomite and gypsum are the domi-
nant reactions in a system (Anupam et al. 2012 ). Na + + K + plottedagainstCl +SO 4 2−
(Fig. 3c ) shows that majority of samples fall below the 1:1 trend line indicating that
these ions have a common source. Most of the groundwater samples fall towards
Na + + K + indicating the release of Na + from rock weathering (Meybeck 1987 ). In
arid regions, the Na + −Cl relationship is generally used to determine the mecha-
nism of salinity acquisition and saline intrusions (Ravikumar et al. 2010 ). The dis-
solution of halite is an important source for Na + andCl in groundwater, along with
soil salts, anthropogenic activities, poor drainage and agricultural activities (Raju
2012b ). A good correlation exists between Na + −Cl in pre-monsoon ( r = 0.96) and
in post-monsoon ( r = 0.95) (Table 4 ). When the Na + concentration is plotted against
thatofCl , most of the water samples lie slightly below the 1:1 trend line towards
to Na + (Fig. 3d ). The high Na + /Cl ratios in the study area are probably due to sili-
cate weathering, ion-exchange process or water-rock interactions (Adomako et al.
2011 ). High Na + /Cl (>1) ratio is used to account for silicate weathering contribu-
tion of Na + (Meybeck 1987 ).
The dissolved Ca 2+ -HCO 3 in the water resulting from calcite weathering by
carbonic acid would be 1:2 whereas from dolomite weathering by carbonic acid
would be 1:4 (Stallard and Edmond 1983 ).TheplotofCa 2+ versusHCO 3 (Fig. 3e )
showsthatmostofthedatafallabovethe1:1linetowardsHCO 3 .ThelowCa 2+ /
HCO 3 ratio (<1) of both the seasons in the study area may be due to either Ca
depletion by cation exchange or HCO 3 enrichment. In the study area the Ca 2+ /
HCO 3 ratio varies between 0.50 and 0.89 with an average of 0.65 in pre- and 0.53-
1.16 with an average of 0.68 in post-monsoon. If sulphuric acid is responsible for
carbonateweatheringthenCa 2+ -SO 4 2− is almost 1:1 for calcite and 1:2 for dolomite
(Stallard and Edmond 1983 ).TheplotofSO 4 2− versusCashowsthatmostofthe
datafallabovethe1:1linetowardsCa 2+ (Fig. 3f ). This indicates carbonic acid con-
tribution towards carbonate or silicate dissolution in the study area. Correlation
studyshowsthatgoodcorrelationexistsbetweenCa 2+ andHCO 3 ( r = 0.85) in pre-
and ( r = 0.52) in post-monsoon, which supports the carbonate and/or silicate weath-
ering process for the contribution of Ca 2+ . Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ has positive correlation
( r = 0.28) in pre- but negative correlation ( r = −0.38) in post-monsoon depicting that
dolomiteisprovidingCa 2+ and Mg 2+ in groundwater in pre-monsoon but not in post-
monsoon.IfgypsumisthemajorsourceforCa 2+ in groundwater it will dissociate
Ca 2+ andSO 4 2− in equal concentration, there is positive and good correlation between
Ca 2+ and SO 4 2− ( r = 0.51) in pre-monsoon and poor correlation ( r = 0.02) in post-
monsoonseason,indicatinggypsumdissolutionassourceforCa 2+ in groundwater
in pre-monsoon season. It has been observed that Ca 2+ , Na + , K + and Cl contents
exhibit mutual positive correlation and correlate strongly with TDS in both pre- and
post-monsoon (Table 4 ).
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