Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 1
Abstract Bayesian networks and their applications to real-world problems lie at the
intersection of several fields such as probability and graph theory. In this chapter a
brief introduction to the terminology and the basic properties of graphs, with partic-
ular attention to directed graphs, is provided. As with other Use R!-series topics, a
brief introduction to the R environment and basic R programming is also provided.
Some background in probability theory and programming is assumed. However, the
necessary references are included under the respective sections for a more complete
1.1 A Brief Introduction to Graph Theory
1.1.1 Graphs, Nodes, and Arcs
Agraph G
consists of a nonempty set V of nodes or vertices and a finite
(but possibly empty) set A of pairs of vertices called arcs , links ,or edges .
Each arc a
can be defined either as an ordered or an unordered pair of
nodes, which are said to be connected by and incident on the arc and to be adjacent
to each other. Since they are adjacent, u and v are also said to be neighbors .If
is an ordered pair, u is said to be the tail of the arc and v the head ; then the arc is
said to be directed from u to v and is usually represented with an arrowhead in v
( u
v ). It is also said that the arc leaves or is outgoing for u and that it enters or
is incoming for v .If
is unordered, u and v aresimplysaidtobeincidenton
the arc without any further distinction. In this case, they are commonly referred to
as undirected arcs or edges , denoted with e
E and represented with a simple line
( u
v ).
The characterization of arcs as directed or undirected induces an equivalent char-
acterization of the graphs themselves, which are said to be directed graphs (de-
noted with G
) if all arcs are directed, undirected graphs (denoted with
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