Biology Reference
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(c) It is not possible to fit a VAR process with the default approach proposed in the
package vars as the number of variable is greater (49 genes) than the number
of measurements (22 time points).
> dataVar2inline = dataVar2[c(seq(1, 22, by = 2),
+ seq(2, 22, by = 2)), ]
> library(vars)
> var.1c = VAR(data, p = 1, type = "const")
The estimated coefficient contains many missing values ( NA ); therefore, ap-
proaches allowing for dimension reduction are required to analyze these data.
(d) We consider the following dimension reduction approaches:
L 1 norm penalty (LASSO)
James-Stein shrinkage
Low-order conditional dependencies approximation
(e) Various approaches for reduction dimension
LASSO with lars :
> library(lars)
> data = dataVar2inline
> x = data[-c(21:22), ]
> fit.all = lapply(colnames(data),
+ function(gene) {
+ y = data[-(1:2), gene]
+ lars(y = y, x = x, type = "lasso")
+ )
> cv.pred.all = lapply(1:dim(data)[2],
function(gene) {
y = data[-(1:2), gene]
+ = cv.lars(y = y, x = x,
mode = "fraction")
frac =$index[
predict(fit.all[[gene]], s = frac,
type = "coef", mode = "fraction")
> DBNlasso = matrix(0, dim(data)[2], dim(data)[2])
> for (i in 1:dim(DBNlasso)[1]) {
DBNlasso[i, ] =
> # percentage of arcs
> sum(DBNlasso != 0)
[1] 421
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