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to take advantage of parallel computing. However, it is important to note that the
degree to which an algorithm can leverage parallel processing depends on the nature
of the problem it is trying to address. Some problems are embarrassingly parallel ,
that is, they can be split in such a way that each part rarely or never has to communi-
cate with the other parts. Other problems cannot be fully parallelized, because their
parts have to communicate periodically with each other to synchronize their state.
If frequent synchronizations are required we speak of fine-grained parallelism ,and
of coarse-grained parallelism if synchronizations are only needed a few times over
a long period of time. Finally, some problems are inherently sequential and cannot
be parallelized at all.
5.2 Parallel Programming in R
The R interpreter can only execute one command at a time. The only functions that
can take advantage of multiple processors are the linear algebra routines provided
by the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) library. To this end, R must be
compiled against a third-party, multi-threaded implementation of the BLAS library
such as the one provided by Intel. However, performance improvements are limited
to algorithms making heavy use of these routines.
This situation has led to the development of several contributed packages dealing
with parallel computing; an overview of these efforts is provided in Schmidberger
et al. ( 2009 ). bnlearn is designed to work with:
The snow package ( Tierney et al. , 2008 ), 1 which provides support for simple
parallel computing using the master-slave model. snow spawns a configurable
number of R processes in background (the slave processes ). The user can then
copy data back and forth and send them commands from the R console he is
workingon(the master process ). The communication between those processes
is managed using either standard TCP sockets or the mechanisms provided by
the Rmpi and rpvm packages. These processes are said to form a cluster and
can run on different computers.
The Rmpi package ( Yu , 2010 ), which is an R interface to the C libraries im-
plementing the de facto Message-Passing Interface (MPI) standard, a language-
independent communications protocol designed to program parallel computers.
The rpvm package ( Li and Rossini , 2010 ), which is an R interface to the Parallel
Virtual Machine (PVM) software. PVM is designed to allow a network of hetero-
geneous Unix and Windows machines to be used as a single distributed parallel
The rsprng package ( Li , 2010 ), which provides independent random number
generators to the slaves spawned by snow .
1 Since version 2.14, the R base distribution includes a revised copy of snow in the parallel
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