Biology Reference
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> lasso.est = predict(, type = "fit",
newx = x, s = frac,
mode = "fraction")$fit
> lasso.est
0-1 0-2 1-1 1-2 2-1
7.099782 6.894064 7.166249 7.157744 7.592092
2-2 4-1 4-2 8-1 8-2
7.379432 7.990548 8.078921 8.353137 8.333108
12-1 12-2 13-1 13-2 14-1
8.940241 8.780302 8.816387 8.758480 8.542374
14-2 16-1 16-2 20-1 20-2
8.417818 7.446577 7.329513 6.717392 6.747178
The expression levels for times 20-1 and 20-2 result from filtering the values for
the current time point (e.g., t ); all the other expression levels are smoothed estimates
of past time points (e.g., 1
Furthermore, the expression level for gene 265768 at at time t
1 can be pre-
dicted using the data points we discarded when performing structure learning in
Sect. 3.5.2 .
> lasso.pred = predict(, type = "fit",
newx = arth12[c("24-1", "24-2"), ],
s = frac, mode = "fraction")$fit
> lasso.pred
24-1 24-2
6.822643 6.882054
We can also use cpquery and cpdist to perform complex conditional prob-
ability queries; in this case, we will use the penalized package to fit the LASSO
models because of its integration with bnlearn .
> library(penalized)
Consider again the expression level of gene 265768 at at the current time point
t . First, we estimate the optimal value of the L 1 penalty
and we fit the LASSO
model one more time.
> lambda = optL1(response = y, penalized = x)$lambda
> lasso.t = penalized(response = y, penalized = x,
+ lambda1 = lambda)
> coef(lasso.t)
(Intercept) 245094_at
14.0402894 -0.7059011
As we can see from the output, the only parent of gene 265768 at is gene
245094 at . The latter seems to inhibit the expression of the former.
Subsequently, we can create the network structure with modelstring and pro-
vide the parameters via the function. The parameter sets of the nodes
are specified by the dist argument, which is a list with one element for each node.
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