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Changes to folders in Lightroom also are changed on the hard drive
In almost all cases, making changes to the folders showing in Lightroom's
Folders panel will also af ect the actual folders on your hard drive.
Renaming folders
Renaming a folder in Lightroom renames it on disk. Right-click or Ctrl+click or
on the folder name , then choose Rename from the contextual menu. Type the
new name and press Return or Enter.
Removing folders
When removing a folder from Lightroom 3, you now have the choice of whether
or not to also delete it from the hard disk. Control+Click or right-click on the
folder name, then choose Remove Folder from the contextual menu. Press
Return or Enter to i nish.
Finding a folder on your hard drive
You can easily locate a folder anywhere on your hard disk. Control+Click or
right-click on the folder name. From the contextual menu choose Show in
Finder or Show in Explorer. h is will locate the folder and select it on your i le
Import into This Folder
Lightroom now provides a quick way to add photos into a specii c folder. Right-
click or Ctrl+click on a folder and select the command from the menu. h e
Import window opens with the chosen folder as the destination.
At er photos have been imported into a Lightroom catalog, those image i les
need to remain accessible to Lightroom for you to do most of the work with
them. For example, you can't do any Develop edits without having the actual
i les accessible by Lightroom. You can do metadata edits like keywording, rating
etc. but if you want to actually process the i les you need the original image i les
available on disk.
(If you have a fast enough internet connection, you can put image i les on a
network server; Lightroom can work with any image i les you can gain access to,
even over a network.)
When you have access to the actual i les, renaming or moving photos in
Lightroom also makes those changes on disk.
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