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and conserve endangered habitats in Qatar can be conducted: (1) restoration of habitats, (2)
bioremediation of contaminated soils, water and air. Various types of organisms can be used
like bacteria, fungi and plants. A process of using plants to remove contaminants from soils
is called phytoremediation; which will be discussed below.
5.5. Solutions
Solutions of the environmental problems lie always in hands of scientists, the decision
makers and the public. Using scientific approaches to solve the environmental problems to
minimize the consequences of the new developments in the Gulf region have been strongly
suggested, active and serious efforts should start with the recording and documenting the
existing wildlife including plants and their ecophysiology under their natural habitats. Such
efforts can be considered as a prerequisite for successful ecological restoration [4, 9, 41, 98].
On the other hand, it would be very useful for the local authorities and the decision makers
to take the initiatives to maintain the environment and solve the problems and easing the
difficulties facing such efforts by: (1) implementing plans for restoration, (2) creating nature
reserves to preserve the flora and fauna, (3) imposing laws that enforce the Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) on oil and gas companies for any plans to change the natural
habitats, (4) consulting research centers prior to any future construction plans, and, (5)
activating scientific research for gene manipulation to maintain native plants. Halophytes
and xerophytes living in these areas can be considered as good sources of salt-resistant
and/or drought resistant traits from which genes can be transferred to crop plants [3, 9, 41,
97, 110]. The public, on the other hand, is the beneficiary or the victim of any environmental
changes, and all the developments in all life sectors are reflected on this party. Therefore, to
improve the awareness of conservation of natural habitats, educational materials should be
enriched by various means like conferences, meetings, workshops, visits to some sites, as
well as providing magazines, posters, pamphlets, films and videos.
5.6. Monitoring
Monitoring has been defined as collecting and analyzing of data to make the required and
appropriate assessments of the performance success at various scales. In this concept such
assessment might include modifications in the plans to conduct active amendments to
solve the emerged problems and to build long-term public support to protect and restore
habitats. All these efforts should be forwarded to the decision makers to take the
appropriate measures. Thus, after the completion of environmental restoration, the
establishment of long-term monitoring and resolving the arisen problems during that
period. Supplement plans should be developed and ready for implementation to solve
those emerged problems.
5.7. Case study of habitat restoration
The above five principles can be implemented in every successful ecological restoration
plan, and the consecutive steps can be summarized as follows:
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