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also by osmotic adjustment [15, 39] through accumulation of substantial amounts of organic
and inorganic solutes like proline, glycinebetaine, sugars and inorganic ions to cope with
soil of severe water shortage [3, 40-42]. Plants such as Tetraena qatarense and Ochradenus
baccatus , are good examples of xerophytes having dehydration avoidance mechanism by
accumulating solutes to withstand severe water stress [4]. Dehydration tolerance
mechanism, on the other hand, includes some methods like avoidance of starvation strain by
stomatal opening at low Ψ w , uncoupling of photosynthesis from transpiration, low
respiration rate and other secondary mechanisms include: tolerance of starvation strain,
avoidance of protein loss, and tolerance of protein loss [15]. Understanding these secondary
mechanisms needs extensive and deep investigation in the plants covered in this review.
Figure 4. Oligomeris linifolia habit.
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