Chemistry Reference
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5. Main conclusions and recommendations
This chapter includes a summary of the main conclusions agreed upon by the different
breakout groups and a table presenting the main recommendations for actions to follow up.
It has to be underlined that the information below refers to those conclusions and
recommendations made most frequently by the experts in the breakout groups' sessions and
in plenary.
The main conclusions of the workshop can be summarized as follows:
need to inform ECHA as early as possible on a potential candidate for CLH
call for prioritization of proposals for harmonized classification and labelling
suggesting classification as CMR;
the importance of increased cooperation and awareness among the different competent
ensure consistency with respect to information evaluated under both processes and
harmonization of the currently different formats for hazard assessment;
progress toward a harmonized electronic system for submission of data;
the relevance of the proper presentation of evidence related to hazard identification and
comparison with CLP criteria for harmonized interpretation on CMR studies;
harmonized reporting on CMR studies and integration into the current reporting
formats under the two processes.
The workshop concluded that in the long-term "one substance, one dossier, one procedure
and one discussion" would be the ideal situation.
This document is based on the workshop report as published in the SANCO webpage which
was elaborated upon by members of the Organizing Committee of the Workshop including
members of the European Commission DG Health and Consumers, of the European
Chemicals Agency (ECHA), of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and Member
States' representatives. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission Services,
ECHA services or Member State agencies, but it reports the discussed topics and outcomes
of the workshop. The authors and the representatives mentioned in the Acknowledgement
Section were all members of the Organizing Committee.
Author details
Roland Solecki and Vera Ritz
Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany
Abdelkarim Abdellaue
Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Norway
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