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5.2. Reducing power assay
The reducing power of E. agallocha and reference compound ascorbic acid increases steadily
with the increase in concentration. The absorbances at 700 nm of E. agallocha 4.00 (2000g/l)
and ascorbic acid 4.5 (1000 g/l) shows that E. agallocha can act as electron donor and can
react with free-radicals to convert them to more stable products and thereby terminate
radical chain reactions (Figure 1A). The IC 50 value of E. agallocha is observed to be at 62.96
g. The reducing power of plant compounds might be due to the di- and mono-hydroxyl
substitution in the aromatic ring which possesses potential hydrogen donating abilities [15].
The reducing properties are generally associated with the presence of reductones [16], which
have been shown to exert antioxidant activity by breaking the free-radical chain by donating
a hydrogen atom.
Figure 1. The concentration dependent (100 -2000 μg/l) antioxidant activity: A) Reducing power, B)
Metal chelating, C) Nitric oxide and D) Lipid peroxidation of methanol extract of leaf E. agallocha Linn
(mean ± SD, n = 3).
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