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policies and guidelines for activities. Based on directions set by the Executive
Council, the Conference meets to discuss and plan concrete guidelines for
regular organisational activities.
Each regional and prefectural organisation has its own administrative
council to further discuss and promote regional activities, based on the
guidelines set by the Central Conference.
Executive Council
Comprising delegates representing the general membership, this is the orga-
s highest decision-making body. It decides on the annual goals and
projects, reviews and approves personnel matters,
financial reports and budgets,
and oversees other national organisational issues.
Central Conference
The Central Conference is a body consisting of the president, senior execu-
tives of the respective regions and representatives of the di
erent divisions. It
deliberates on and resolves matters relating to the execution of decisions
made by the Executive Council, as well as organisational and personnel
agendas, and establishes rules and guidelines necessary for the operations of
the organisation.
Executive Guidance Conference
This body is responsible for carrying forward Soka Gakkai
is founding spirit
and providing members with counsel and guidance on matters of faith to
support their e
orts to deepen and sustain their religious faith.
Council on Social A
A Council on Social A
airs has been established on the national, regional
and prefectural levels. At the national level the Council deliberates on and
decides Soka Gakkai
cial position regarding various political and social
issues. The national-level Council is also responsible for the endorsement of a
political party or candidate in a national election, while regional and pre-
fectural Councils make similar decisions on which political party or candidates
to endorse in local elections.
Advisory Board
The Board serves as a consultative body to advise the president on matters
relevant to the organisation
s operation, such as guidelines on general or
c activities.
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