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Soka Gakkai governance
While certain decisions about social and religious objectives that a
ect the
whole of the organisation could be considered to be made in a top-down
fashion, most decisions are, to my observation, usually reached through a
process of consultation and consensus-building rather than in an authoritar-
ian manner where a small number of people make decisions. Leadership
appointments, certainly at the smaller organisational units such as the district
and chapter level, usually unfold in an organic fashion. Members who are
active in organisational activities such as discussion and study meetings, and who
show a willingness to give their time to take responsibility for certain activities
and for members will be considered by other leaders as potential new leaders.
A consultation process will unfold in which relevant leaders are consulted.
This results in decisions being made through a long process of consultation
and discussion, and based on consensus. A similar process of consensus-
building takes place when decisions have to be made about activity objectives,
whether at the national, regional or local level. Moreover, each region is
autonomous in the way it decides to undertake activities or encourage mem-
bers to practice. This means that leaders in those areas have considerable
uence on the way national objectives are approached.
Organisational structure
Decisions in Soka Gakkai are made by consensus on various levels based on an
interaction of national, regional and local perspectives. Because Soka Gakkai
is a national organisation, its general administration and local components
are interdependent: the administration closely informs itself of local perspec-
tives in formulating national policy guidelines, while local organisational units
coordinate local needs with national guidelines in designing their activities.
Each prefectural organisation is divided into zones (or wards/sub-wards),
headquarters, chapters, districts and blocks, the last being the smallest orga-
nisational unit of Soka Gakkai. Chapter and district a
airs are conducted by
discussion and consensus through conferences and district councils.
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