HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
<h1 style="color: blue; background-color:
In this case, the CSS is contained inside of an HTML attribute called style . The attribute
tells the browser that what follows inside the quotation marks is CSS. In this example, the
styles will only apply to the element to which they're attached (the <h1> element in this
case). This is a very inefficient way of inserting CSS and should be avoided in almost all cir-
Using the <style> Element
You can also include CSS in an HTML page using a <style> tag, which also requires a
closing </style> tag:
header {
color: white;
background-color: #333;
font-size: 1.5em;
In this example, the styles will apply only to the element(s) targeted in the selector. So, in
this instance, the styles will apply to all <header> elements on the page where this <style>
element appears.
Using @import inside a <style> element
You also have the option to include CSS in a separate file. It's similar to a text file, but has
a file extension of “.css”. So a chunk of CSS inside a separate file can be imported into your
HTML like this:
@import url(css/style.css);
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