Game Development Reference
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45. Mia Consalvo, “There is No Magic Circle,” Games and Culture 4, no. 4
(2009): 411.
46. T. L. Taylor, “The Assemblage of Play,” Games and Culture 4, no. 4 (2009):
47. Silverman and Simon, “Discipline and Dragon Kill Points in the Online
Power Game,” 364.
48. Lisa Nakamura, “Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game: The Racialization
of Labor in World of Warcraft,” Critical Studies in Media Communication
26, no. 2 (2009): 135.
49. For example see: Ananda Mitra and Elisia Cohen, “Analyzing the Web:
Directions and challenges,” in Doing Internet Research: Critical Issues and
Methods for Examining the Net , ed. Steve Jones (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage,
1999); Barbara Warnick, Critical Literacy in a Digital Era: Technology,
Rhetoric, and the Public Interest (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associ-
ates, 2002); Barbara Warnick, Rhetoric Online: Persuasion and Politics on
the World Wide Web (New York: Peter Lang, 2007).
50. Bogost, Persuasive Games: The Expressive Power of Videogames , 28.
51. 'Mods' is short for modifi cations, which are player designed additions to
video games.
1. Stoi nator2008, “PlayStation 3—Commercial—Uncharted 2,” Sony Enter-
2. In Uncharted the screen fl ashes and goes from color to gray as you take
more damage, but regains color when you go long enough without taking
any damage.
3. In World of Warcraft a yellow ! means someone has a quest for you and a
yellow ? means you have a quest to complete.
4. Michael Abbott, “Unplayable,” The Brainy Gamer, http://www.brainyg-
5. Uncharted uses a coin and Uncharted 2 uses the ceremonial dagger.
6. Uncharted games generally involve a turn toward mythical creatures and
monsters at some point in the story.
7. Tom Mc Shea, “Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Review,” GameSpot, http://
8. Stranger of Sorts, “Uncharted 2: A Love Af air,” The Escapist , http://www. air.
9. AAA games are high-budget, polished titles that are often fl agships for the
developer and seek to attract a large audience of players.
10. Eddi Makuch, “Uncharted 3: World of Deceit Outed, Debunked—Retail
Radar,” GameSpot,
11. Tom Magrino, “Uncharted 2 Sales Nearing 3M, MAG Loads 500k,” GameS-
12. Consalvo, Cheaters: Gaining Advantage in Videogames .
13. Woody Crobar, “Uncharted 2: Among Thieves: FAQ/Walkthrough,” Game-
14. Andrew Mills, “Uncharted 2 Treasure Guide,” GamesRadar UK, http://www.
15. Jesper Juul, A Casual Revolution: Reinventing Video Games and Their Play-
ers (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010), 58.
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