Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 5.15 Mass spectrometric identification of N-Hcy-Lys residues in N-homocysteinylated
albumin. LC-ESI-MS chromatograms of selected ions of N-Hcy-Lys-peptides obtained by the
digestion with trypsin of in vitro N-homocysteinylated human serum albumin (panel a) and
N-Hcy-Lys-peptides of albumin from tryptic digests of human serum from a CBS-deficient
hyperhomocysteinemic subject (panel b) (Reproduced from [212])
( 1 DAHK*SEVAHR 10 , 1,323.6 m/z), K12 ( 11 FK*DLGEENFK 20 , 1,400.7 m/z), K137
( 137 K*YLYEIAR 144 , 1,229.7 m/z), K159 ( 146 HPYFYAPELLFFA K*R 160 , 2,073.1 m/z),
K205 ( 200 CASLQK*FGER 209 1,369.6 m/z), and K212 ( 210 AFK*AWAVAR 218 ,
1,193.6 m/z), in addition to previously identified K525 ( 525 K*QTALVELVK 534 ,
1,302.8 m/z) [96] in human serum albumin, are susceptible to the modification by
Hcy-thiolactone in vitro.
The identity of N-homocysteinylation sites in human serum albumin is
confirmed by additional tandem mass spectrometric analyses using LC/ESI-MS/
MS system consisting of nano-LC chromatograph hyphenated to q-ToF hybrid
mass spectrometer. Identification of the seven N-Hcy-Lys-peptides in tryptic digest
of N-Hcy-albumin is achieved in a single analysis in this system (Fig. 5.15 ). From
the recorded mass spectra, it is possible to deduce sequences of all seven consecu-
tively eluted N-Hcy-Lys-peptides. Retention times of peptides together with CID
MS/MS spectra for the four most abundant N-Hcy-Lys-peptides unequivocally
confirmed their structures [212].
Knowing the masses of Hcy-containing peptides derived from the in vitro-
prepared N-Hcy-albumin, we can determine whether these peptides are present in
samples prepared from native human serum. For this purpose, human serum is
diluted 60-fold with 50 mM NH 4 HCO 3 and reduced with 1 mM DTT at 95 C for
5 min. Thiol groups are blocked with 4 mM iodoacetamide at 22 C in the dark for
20 min, and the serum protein is digested with sequencing grade trypsin. Tryptic
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