Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Java Database Connectivity
In This Chapter
How JDBC Works
Connecting to the Database
Querying a Table
Inserting, Updating, and Deleting
Configuring the JDBC-ODBC Bridge
Reviewing the Exercises
JDBC is a call-level interface built with Java for performing operations on relational
databases. It resembles the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard created
by Microsoft, but it is generally easier to use. The range of operations it can perform
is extremely broad: queries, inserts, updates, deletes, and stored procedure calls. It
also has an API that allows access to database metadata, which includes capabilities
for obtaining information about tables and columns.
Although JDBC is included in the Java Standard Edition SDK, I am going to
discuss it as a part of Enterprise Java because, in most cases, Enterprise Java requires
access to relational database systems. Much enterprise technology simplifies data-
base access and provides pooling mechanisms to minimize the overhead and cost
of establishing and releasing database connection.
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