Java Reference
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getName() returns "mybooks" for myDirectory1 and myDirectory2.
getPath() returns "\documents\mybooks" for myDirectory1 and "mybooks"
for myDirectory2
returns "\documents" for myDirectory1and null for
you may create a File instance even when the file or directory it represents does not
exist. None of the constructors throw an IOException or FileNotFoundException if
the file or directory does not exist (they will throw a NullPointerException if the
pathName or child is null). This capability is needed to invoke the various methods
to create directories and files. If you need to know whether the directory or file ex-
ists, File provides the exists() method that returns true if the entity exists and false
if it does not. The isDirectory() method returns true if the File entity is a direc-
tory and exists; otherwise, it returns false. The isFile() method returns true if the
entity is a file (not a directory) and exists; otherwise, it returns false.
For both files and directories, the File class provides access to the characteris-
tics of the file:
Returns the size of the file or directory
Returns the time stamp of the file or directory
Tests to see if file or directory is hidden
Tests to see if you have read access to the file or directory
Tests to see if you have write access to the file or directory
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